Archdeacon: Dayton’s football history being preserved on film

There have been times this summer when local filmmaker Allen Farst has felt a little like Partlow on those unforgiving training runs as he’s worked on the documentary he’s making – “Triangle Park” – about that first NFL game, the players on the Triangles team and the city of Dayton back then.

While he’s been finishing up interviews with descendants of the 23 Triangle players and has been prepping for the game reenactments he plans to film here next month, he’s also been trying to navigate the challenging path to secure enough financial backing to make the film the full-blown affair he wants it to be.

There have been times he’s run squarely into tree trunks of tightfistedness. But like the Battering Ram, Farst – once a football player himself at Vandalia Butler High – knows how to keep his feet churning and eventually has moved ahead to those willing to open their checkbooks. CLICK TO READ FULL ARTICLE

Allen Farst